About Us

About Us

Enterprise culture

Corporate Vision

Become the leader of China's precision glass industry!


Brand concept

36 processes, just for a better piece of glass


Business philosophy

People-oriented, ingenuity, honesty, brand creation


Enterprise Mission

Achievement customer, become the customer's help partner!
Achievement of employees, become a platform for employee development!
Share and develop with suppliers! Achieve tripartite cooperation and win-win!
Build the Chinese dream together!

Zhonglian Wisdom Agriculture Co., Ltd.
Zhonglian Wisdom Agriculture Co., Ltd.
spirit of enterprise

Keeping pace with the times, pragmatic innovation, harmony and efficiency, gratitude and dedication!


Quality Policy

Quality first, delivery on time, excellence, customer satisfaction!


Enterprise core values

Technology:Leading technology
Smart:Intelligent Manufacturing
Professional:Perseverant Specialty
Passion:Forge ahead
Loyalty:Sincerely keep the industry
Open:Modesty compatible
Patriotic:Industry is strong, China is strong! The prosperity of industry is the prosperity of the nation!